Water Main, Hydrant and Valve Replacement, Meter Pit Installation

Middlesex Water Company Announces $9.7 Million Project To Upgrade Water Mains in Woodbridge Company to also Replace Customer Owned Lead Service Lines

As part of its RENEW 2024 Program, the Company will be replacing water mains, as well as service lines, valves, and fire hydrants in Woodbridge, New Jersey. These improvements are designed to improve fire flows and overall service quality in the area as the new mains being installed have greater water-carrying capacity. RENEW also helps the Company to save water by identifying any existing leaks in the RENEW Project area. Proactively addressing aging infrastructure now – on a planned replacement schedule – reduces the likelihood of future disruptive and costly emergency repairs.

Concurrently, Middlesex will promote our “Knocking Out Lead” program to identify any lead or galvanized steel service lines it encounters. As new mains are installed, any lead and galvanized service lines will be identified for future replacement with copper service lines at no direct cost to the property owner or tenant.


Improved Fire FlowsEnhanced Service QualityIncreased Reliability